SPPC Donates

SPPC Donates

On December 28, 2011, South Pacific Petroleum Corporation donated $4000.00 to the Down Syndrome Association of Guam. The proceeds derived from the 76 Charity Golf Tournament which was held at the Leo Palace Golf Resort on October 22, 2011. This donation was made possible by the many golfers and sponsors that supported this annual charity golf tournament. Pictured from left to right are Vadin Guerrero, Josie Guerrero (Secretary), Vicky Arriola (President), and Mark J. Sablan SPPC VP Business Development.2012-02-02-down-donation

On January 4, 2012, South Pacific Petroleum Corporation donated $4000.00 to Autism Community Together “ACT”. The proceeds derived from the 76 Charity Golf Tournament which was held at the Leo Palace Golf Resort on October 22, 2011. This donation was made possible by the many golfers and sponsors that supported this annual charity golf tournament. Pictured from left to right are Joe Leon Guerrero (board member), Lou Ann Mesa (Vice President), Clinton Mesa, and Mark J. Sablan SPPC VP Business Development.2012-02-02-act-donation

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